Letters from Lydia Hunter Wilsey
Pike County, Illinois
1865 to 1894
April 27, 1865 Lydia Wilsey to Adam Turner and Letitia (Brother-in Law and Sister)
from Pittsfield, Pike County, Illinois
I now take this opportunity to write you a few lines in answer to your kind letter that
I received from you. I was glad to hear from you once more in this world. I should
have written sooner. It seems that I could not. My trouble is so great, my dear Sister...
I never knew what trouble was before I lost my mother and I thought I had lost all the
friend I had and two children but that was nothing to a kind husband. It seems to me that
me I never can stand it.
The connection is all well at this time. Dolly was here with me all the week and went home
this morning. I was down to Rachel Trouther's last Saturday and they was all well except
the measles. Dolly lives two miles from me and Rachel lives eight miles from me.
You wanted to know how many children I had. I have seven... two boys and five girls.
My oldest is a boy. He is married and lives about sixty miles from me. My next boy is
nine years old and my baby is seven years old. My next oldest is a girl. She was married
this winter and she lives on my place. Her name is Maggy James. I have five to home
with me yet.
My Dear Sister, how I would like to see you and Adam once more in this world. I thought
I would see you last fall. We got ready twice to come to see you, and he took sick both times.
He was very unhealthy.
I got a letter from Leisia about a ear ago.
My Sister, come and see me if you can. I am very lonesome. You wrote that you was very
unhealthy. You better come out here and maybe it will help you.
Brother and Sister come if you can. So nothing more at present, but remain your affectionate
Sister until death. Write soon and often and let us know how you are getting along.