One issued to the heirs of the estate of Luke Roberts, deceased No. 739, for one
League & Labor of Land, the half of said certificate of land being located the
remaining half league & Labor, The said Craig & Denton agreeth to locate on the best
and most valuable lands possible to be got and the said James J Ward agreeth to pay
the surveying, Government, and officers fees for faithfully performing the above
Contract & Conditions the said Craig & Denton is to receive from the said James J Ward
one fourth of the land so located to be divided agreeable to quantity and quality and
when the patent issues for said survey and land the said James J Ward binds himself
to convey or cause to be conveyed by deed to the said Craig and Denton in fee Simple
the fourth part of said Land to be divided as aforesaid and for the faithful performance
of the above contract of the parties they hereby promise bind and obligate themselves
their heirs executors Administrators and assigns each to the other in the penal sum
of five thousand Dollars to be recovered in any Court of Law having Jurisdiction of the
same for whatever damages which party may sustain by a non performance of the above
Contract. But if each of the above named parties shall well and truly perform the
conditions of said Contract then this obligation to be null and void otherwise to remain
in full force & effect in Law.
In Testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands & Seals this the day
~~~~ 1839.
W H Porter
E H Tarrant
H J Fowler
In Testimony whereof I here unto set my hand and seal of office this
24th day of November 1839. & of the Independence of Texas the 4th year ~~~~
J G Wright, Clk ~