Deed Records of Hunt Co. Texas - Vol M Page 98

No. = 454 = In the Name of the State of Texas

To all to whom these presents, shall come: Know Ye, I, R. H. Bell Governor of the state
aforesaid, by virtue of the power vested in me by Law, and in accordance with the Laws
of said State, in such case made and provided, do by these presents grant to the Heirs of
John Roberts Sen'r deceased
their heirs or assigns forever, one Labor of Land situated
and described as follows. In Hunt County, on South Sulphur, about 8 ½ miles N. 18 degrees
East from Greenville; by virtue of certificate No. 2003/2104 issued by the commissioner
of the General Land Office on the 12th day of June 1851.

Beginning 106 9/10 varas East of the N. E. corner of a league made for the Heirs of said
a post, from which an Ash marked X bears N. 74 degrees W 5 - 2/10 varas a
post oak mkd J. R. bears South 8 - 8/10 varas:

Thence South, with the N. line of the same, 224 varas to South Sulphur, 1010 vars
to Honey Creek, 2009 5/10 varas to John Onstots S. E. corner, from which a hickory
mkd X bears N 9 degrees W 2 8/10 varas, another same marked bears N 55 degrees
E 4 - 7/10 varas.

Thence North with Onstot's E. line 287 6/10 varas to a post, from which an elm mkd X
bears N 14 degrees E 1 - 4/10 varas, another marked M bears N 40 degrees W 2 - 3/10

Thence East 237 - 6/10 varas to a post. from which a hackberry mkd X bears N 20 W
2 - 4/10 varas, a hickory mkd M bears N. 31 degrees E 6 - 4/10 varas, from which a
Hickory mkd X bears S. 34 degrees W 5 - 7/10 varas a Spanish oak mkd R bears N 45
degrees E 6 - 4/10 varas.

Thence East 974 varas to South Sulphur 1771 9/10 varas to a post in prairie, from which
a post oak mkd R H. bears S 31 degrees E 40 - 2/10 varas.

Thence South 527 - 2/10 varas to the beginning.

Hereby relinquishing to them the said Heirs of John Roberts Sen'r dec'd and their
heirs or assigns forever all the right and title in and to said Land, heretofore held and
possessed by the said State and I do hereby issue this Letter of Patent for the same.

(Seal of the State and Seal of the Gl. Ld. Office affixed)
Filed for Record May 24th A. D. 1870 - at 5 o'clock P. M.
Recorded May 25th A. D. 1870 at 10 o'clock A. M.

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