Abraham sold and transferred the Certificate for one Labor to Uriah Cummins.
This Labor of land was eventually located in Coryell County.
Abraham's League of Land was surveyed and located in Bexar County (in what is now
Medina County.) The actual location is on Hondo Creek.
According to land records Abraham was deceased before the final Patent
was issued June 27 1845; however, the Patent was issued in his name.
Ann Eliza, his wife, accompanied Abraham to Texas and she was also
deceased 1840/41. They left behind one surviving child and heir ~ John M. Kuykendall.
Abraham L. died 1845 in Harris County, Texas.
Abraham L. Kuykendall and his family lived for awhile on property owned by
Joseph Kuykendall on Oyster Creek, in Fort Bend County, Texas.